Saturday, June 23, 2007

Top 5 Videogames You Have Never Played

5. Front Office Football (2007)

If you are like me, you would love to manage a pro football team. The only popular video game out there right now, Madden has some serious issues for franchise mode. I won't go to in depth, but I often find some nobody breaks the single season rushing record (often its Julius Jones of Dallas) in the first season and that after about 10 seasons, there is often not a single quarterback with a rating over 82 except yours. This is where Front Office Football steps in. Sure, its not flashy at all and not the best party game (it has no graphics and no sounds), but it is the most realistic game out there for running a pro football team. The game is only marginally fun solo, but the multiplayer leagues out there are very intense (for a text and numbers game). So check it out.
Links: Where to get it, or at least try out the free demo. Lists all the leagues out there.

4. Bushido Blade 1 & 2 (1997 & 1998)

Bushido Blade is one of my favorite fighting games because unlike others where you must learn some weird strings of button presses to do a totally fantastical fireball, this game was very quick to pickup but hard to master. The games also have no health bar, because, well, they thought that since one well-placed slash of a sword would kill you in real life, it would do the same in the game. Now Bushido Blade 2 had more characters and weapons (how fun it was to play as the guy with the gun while your opponent had no idea what was laid in store for them), and multiple subgames but Bushido Blade 1 gets my vote because, for reasons unbeknownst to me, the developer decided to tone down the cool location-specific-injury feature in the sequel. Anyways, these games are only for the PS1.

3. Iron Tank (1988)

This old gem for the NES is so much fun. It was probably my favorite game as a child. You travel across beaches, fields, bridges, and cities trying to destroy Nazis in your awesome tank. The gameplay is very simplistic but that is what makes it so beautiful and fun. The allows you to get powerups and the coolest part is that you can drive one way while shooting the cannon in a different direction (which does take a little time to get used too). Anyways try it. You can probably find it on any ROM site.

2. Master of Magic (1994)

For those fans of Master of Orion, they should check out Master of Magic. Its made by the same guy (Steve Barcia), but unlike MoO, MoM plays in a fantasy world (obviously). The game is very deep with multiple worlds, tons of spells ranging from summons to global enchantments to combat spells to etc... The player can attack other wizards, neighboring neutral cities, magical nodes, castle ruins, and dungeons just to name a few. Its a very fun and replayable game. The only problem is that the A.I. is a tad dated and often predictable and changing the difficulty level only changes the starting spells the enemy wizards have. Check it out though, you might just like it.
Links: More info on it and download (you might need DOSBox to play it)

1. Covert Action (1990)

To many videogame buffs, especially those who love strategy games such as Cilivization, Sid Meier is a god. However, very few people tend to look for his older stuff, which is likewise very ingenious. Covert Action is a very replayable action game where you play a James Bond-like character who must stop some crime. The game never gets old as it has so many different parts to it, whether its the puzzles that incorporate wiretapping, trying lose a car thats following you, decrypting messages, or breaking into the badguys headquarters and busting some heads. The plot is randomly generated each time so each mission will feel different.
Links: Gives more information on the game and allows you to download it for free.

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