Thursday, July 5, 2007

Cool Youtube Videos I've Found Recently

Well my blog has basically been rather bland at the moment, so I'm gonna start posting more. See what I like, see what I don't. Here goes.

Some great videos that someone else might enjoy.

1. Paintings of a schizophrenic.

2. A great video of someone with too much time on their hands. And a magic marker.

3. Rube Goldberg contraption...with fire!!!

4. SPIN, an absolutely fantastic film. Watch it.

I was going to include some great footage as Barry Sanders broke the 2000 yard rushing mark in 1997 on a two yard carry, his excitement, and then subsequent 50 yard run, but the NFL removed it from Youtube. A pity, since that is my favorite clip of him.
Even later to come, the video that inspired me to create this blog.

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